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#1 Vacature Site Voor
Stages & Bijbanen
Beste stagevacature platform in Nederland en platform voor werkstudent bijbanen in Nederland op basis van honderden reviews van studenten

Via Fiks is jullie nieuwe zo gevonden

Jullie plaatsen je vacature – wij pushen deze naar matchende kandidaten, direct op hun telefoon.

Introduceer jouw bedrijf bij hbo- en wo-talent door heel Nederland.
Effectievere zichtbaarheid voor je stages en banen via WhatsApp.
No cure, no pay: Geen match? Geen kosten.

Niels Fiks.nl online
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Why post your vacancies on Fiks?

Students love us

Because of the direct contact via WhatsApp, the personal touch and our accessible way of communication, Fiks is perceived as more helpful compared to other job boards. Fiks is exactly in line with the needs of the student of today.

WhatsApp promotion

At Fiks we send our students personalized WhatsApp messages to promote your vacancies with an open rate of 98%.

Discover students

Get access to our database of active students, search for talent and connect directly with them.

National reach

Through educational institutions and student organizations we reach students all over the Netherlands. We also target students directly on the basis of the vacancies you provide.

How does Fiks work for companies?

Create your account and access your dashboard

Choose your subscription and post your vacancies

Your jobs are promoted via WhatsApp

Discover students who are actively seeking internships or jobs

Hire a student who fits your organization

Plaats gratis je vacature

What partners say about us← click. hold. swipe. →

Download the Fiks One Pager!

The One Pager features the following topics:

✅ Fiks heeft inmiddels al honderden studenten en bedrijven met elkaar geconnect

🚀 Via Fiks kunnen jullie studenten bereiken met jullie vacatures via WhatsApp! 

🕵️‍♀️ Hoe Fiks te werk gaat voor het vinden van de beste kandidaten voor jullie stages of startersfuncties

Wondering if Fiks is a match for you? Schedule a call where we give a demo of our platform!

Iron Brands van Stageplatform Fiks

Iron Brands



Fiks is trusted by

Fiks Partner Bedrijven Pricing 1
No cure
No pay
€ 0 / jaar

If you just want to try Fiks!
Only pay when you hire someone.

6 vacancies online

✅ internships, part time & starter jobs

Hiring fee

€595,- / student

€1995,- / starter


✓ Add one company

✓ Vacancy optimization

✓ Google for Jobs exposure

€ 69 WhatsApp Boost Add-on

€ 89 Featured Vacancy Add-on

€ 49 LinkedIn Share Add-on

€ 39 Email Spotlight Add-on

Hoger bereik
€ 695 1295 / jaar

For companies looking to hire students without a hiring fee.

10 vacatures online

✅ internships, part time & starter jobs

Hiring fee

€0,- / student

€1995,- / starter


✓ Add one company

✓ Vacancy optimization

✓ Google for Jobs exposure

✓ WhatsApp Boost 1 xAdd-on

✓ Featured Vacancy 1 xAdd-on

€ 49 LinkedIn Share Add-on

€ 39 Email Spotlight Add-on

€ 2995 / jaar

For corporates who want maximum visibility among students & starters.

30 vacatures online

✅ internships, part time & starter jobs

Hiring fee

€0,- / student

€0,- / starter


✓ Add multiple companies

✓ Vacancy optimization

✓ Google for Jobs exposure

✓ WhatsApp Boost 3 xAdd-on

✓ Featured Vacancy 3 xAdd-on

✓ LinkedIn Share 1 xAdd-on

✓ E-mail Spotlight 1 xAdd-on

Weet je zeker dat je wilt downgraden?

Je huidige abonnement:

✓ Je betaalt €0 per stagiair

✓ Je betaalt €0 per starter

✓ Maximale zichtbaarheid

Na downgrade:

❌ Nog maar 6 vacatures online

🎁 Speciale aanbieding

Behoud alle voordelen voor de helft van de prijs!

€0.00 per jaar i.p.v. €0.00

Questions about our pricing and approach

At Fiks, you can choose from a variety of subscriptions:

Corporate: For 2995, - euro per year you can post up to 14 jobs online at the same time. This package is perfect for corporates who are looking for interns, working students and starters and want maximum exposure among students & junior talent. Often these are companies that are looking for 6 interns or more every six months. This package comes with a number of add-ons to create maximum reach and this is the only package where you can add multiple companies. Furthermore, there are no hiring fees in this subscription, so beyond this annual fee, you pay no placement fees for hiring students and starters.

Partner: For 1295,- euro per year you can have up to 8 internships, side jobs and entry-level positions online simultaneously and hire unlimited students for internships or part time jobs. Often this package is interesting for companies looking for 2 interns or more every six months. For hiring a starter the cost is 1995,- Euros. Also this package comes with a number of add-ons to increase the reach to students and starters.

Pay per hire: Hier zit net als in bovenstaande pakketten een jaarlijkse vergoeding aan. Echter is deze een stuk lager, namelijk 175,- euro. Je kunt in dit pakket 8 stagevacatures, bijbanen en vacatures voor startersfuncties online zetten. Echter vragen wij een hiring fee van 595,- euro als een student wordt aangenomen via Fiks. Deze hiring fee geldt voor zowel stages als bijbanen. Voor de plaatsing van een starter vragen wij 1995 euro,- per plaatsing. Dit pakket is voornamelijk interessant voor MKB bedrijven of start-ups met een kleinere stage-vraag.

No cure No Pay: If you want to try Fiks for 6 months, this is the best package you can choose. During these 6 months you can post up to 6 jobs and test if Fiks is the right option for your company for hiring interns. De plaatsing kosten liggen in dit pakket op 695,- euro als een student wordt aangenomen via Fiks en 1995 euro,- per plaatsing voor starters. Na 6 maanden zal dit pakket indien niet geannuleerd automatisch worden omgezet in Pay per hire.

If an employer wants to bring a job posting to the extra attention of job seekers, they can choose to add one or more add-ons to the job posting. Fiks offers a choice of four different add-ons:

Featured Vacancy

The employer's job posting will appear on the first page of Fiks with a "Featured Vacancy" add-on. As a result, job seekers will be among the first to come across the vacancy. On average, there are about 400+ job postings online at Fiks. With this add-on, the employer ensures that the job is at least noticed for one month. The "Featured Vacancy" add-on normally costs $189, but is available for $89 when purchased at the time of posting the job.

WhatsApp Boost

Vacancies posted online at Fiks are forwarded to relevant students via WhatsApp. This is included for every job posting on Fiks. With the "WhatsApp Boost" add-on, it is possible to forward the vacancy again via WhatsApp. This will bring the vacancy to the attention of relevant students once again. A "WhatsApp Boost" add-on normally costs 169,- euro, but is available for 69,- euro when purchased while posting the vacancy.

LinkedIn Share

Fiks is the platform for students. In recent years we have built a following of 15k+ students on LinkedIn. With the "LinkedIn Share" add-on it is possible to activate this following for a vacancy. For 149,- euros the vacancy is shared via LinkedIn with our followers. When it is purchased while posting the job you pay only 49,- euro.

Email Spotlight

In recent years we have helped more than 10,000 students. In addition to WhatsApp messages, students also receive emails from Fiks regarding internships and job searches. With the "Email Spotlight" add-on, the vacancy is highlighted in every email sent to students for the next three months. The "Email Spotlight" add-on normally costs 139,- euro, but is available for 39,- euro while posting your job. 

Google for Jobs is a new product from Google. It allows jobs from certain job boards to be easily found in the search engine.

Fiks is built in order for the jobs loaded on our platform to also be easily and immediately accessible for Google for Jobs. This means that your jobs will not only show up on Fiks but also rank in Google. This provides more exposure to students.

For companies that are in a Partner or Corporate subscription, it is now possible to approach students themselves. This feature is called "Find Students" and is available in the dashboard.

So in addition to students applying for jobs, Find Students allows you to view resumes of relevant candidates and, as a company, make initial contact.

At Fiks, after several years, we know exactly what a good internship vacancy looks like. We've seen hundreds of jobs come through. Some look great and do well, but some don't. That's why we go to work on every internship vacancy.

We proberen ervoor te zorgen dat jullie stagevacatures zo goed mogelijk aansluiten bij onze studenten doelgroep. Zodra bedrijven een nieuwe stagevacature plaatsen in het dashboard, doen wij standaard de vacature-check voordat deze online gaat. Lees hier alvast onze stagevacature tips!

We see a mismatch between diligent students who start searching early for their internship and companies who give priority to putting their vacancies online much later. We are trying to solve this through our annual package to create more and better connections.

Based on our research, we know that students search during different periods. When your job posting is only online for one month, you miss a significant portion of potential employees. As a compromise, we tried to keep prices relatively low.

In addition, you will receive a standard company page on our website to reach students all year round. This strengthens your employer branding and is an opportunity to receive open applications from good students, regardless of whether you already have your internship assignment outstanding.

The short answer to this: Fiks is not responsible for the quality of the student. Despite operating with a "no cure, no pay" option, Fiks is not a recruitment agency or employment agency. Fiks is a job board or job platform that provides employers' job postings with greater exposure to relevant job seekers. This enables employers to fill vacancies faster. However, the responsibility of the selection process lies with the employer itself. Fiks is not in this process and does not manage the relationship between employers and job seekers. 

Should a person perform poorly or not match with the company after he or she is hired, Fiks will not refund placement fees. The company chooses after their own selection process that the candidate is suitable for the internship, part time job or entry level position and therefore we will not refund placement fees.

Er zijn per jaar een aantal standaard startmomenten van stages. Het merendeel van de studenten begint in september en februari aan hun stage die ongeveer 20 weken duurt (zowel afstudeerstage als meewerkstage). Daarnaast is er ook een groep studenten die voor november en april een stage zoekt, wat meestal een meewerkstage betreft. Ten slotte is er ook vraag naar ‘summer internships’: korte meewerkstages tijdens de vakantieperiode.

Based on our research, we know that the first students start searching about half a year before the start of the internship. All in all, this ensures that students are looking for an internship at any time of the year.

Iron Brands van Stageplatform Fiks

Iron Brands



We optimize your vacancies!

Do you find it difficult to draw up a strong internship vacancy? Fiks to the rescue!

Why let us check your job text?

✅ Vergroot de reacties op je vacature en neem sneller een stagiair aan

🚀 Onze huidige klanten markeren Fiks’ vacature optimalisatie als super waardevol

🤖 Optimalisatie op basis van data

Easily find a student for your company

If you are looking for a corporate internship, Fiks is the place to be. We can offer you all kinds of different vacancies, from an internship Business Administration to an internship economics. We help to find the right student for your open position. Via WhatsApp We bring students and companies into contact with each other in an accessible way. Fiks not only helps the student, but also companies who are looking for an intern. You can easily upload the vacancies and choose a suitable package. Then we send the vacancies to relevant students via WhatsApp. In this way you will find motivated and driven students who are actively looking for an internship within the industry you are in. Finding an intern for your company is quick and easy with Fiks! Whether you are looking for a full time internship, graduation internship or research internship, Fiks will help you.

Publish internships via Fiks

Fiks was founded for students, by students and this is reflected in our personal approach. We know that finding a suitable internship can be a difficult process. As the tools of universities and colleges do not always connect to the needs of the student, we founded Fiks. At Fiks we connect student and company, so that both parties are well served. If you are looking for a suitable internship for companies, we help you to get in touch with suitable students. In this way, you as a company can easily find a student that fits well within your organization. Curious what Fiks can do for your company? Close one of our annual subscriptions or contact us without engagement. We are happy to help you arrange an internship for companies!